Kendo’s Healing Message for May

Over the last weekend of April, we held a Nagasaki Event here at the Retreat, and it was excellent! It was great to see many regular guests, as well as some new faces, all benefitting from Kendo’s approach to personal empowerment – strength from peace.

The Events are also a powerful reminder of the strength that flows from a sense of community, and, Kendo would remind us, the magic comes from levels of the self that are completely beyond the conscious self, the mind, the tyranny of rationalising, and a need for ‘answers’.

In our technologically-dominated world, it seems ever-more counter-intuitive that occasionally switching off the conscious mind can be so good for us, but it has to be experienced to be believed – the intangible ‘feel-good’ factor that arises during a Nagasaki Event can’t easily be put into words, but it’s inspiring and invigorating, and seems to liberate everyone’s sense of humour!

It’s not going too far to say that putting into practice the simple concepts of meditation and mindfulness were evidently good for us all individually, and as a group – empowering our individual intuitive selves automatically gave rise to a wonderful sense of common positivity; taking that inner positivity away from a Nagasaki Event can only be good for our families and communities.

It’s inspiring to see the kernel of Kendo’s Buddhist wisdom in action – it’s simple, but requires a little dedication, yet the secluded safety of the Nagasaki Retreat is the perfect place let the ‘noise’ fall away, and re-find oneself, and our place in the greater world.

Kendo thanks all who attended April’s Retreat Event – you made it the excellent experience it was, and in healing and empowering yourselves here, you take that positive energy out into your communities. He looks forward to seeing you again, and to welcoming more new faces to the Kyu Shin Do way of strength through peace.

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