Kendo’s Healing Message for June

As we seek to develop the Nagasaki Retreat, and give the opportunity for more and more people to come here to escape their worries and re-charge their batteries, there is a lot to do…

Top of the list is refurbishing currently-unused rooms, and the tasks range from the simple, such as cleaning and clearing-out, to the complex, such as plastering and plumbing. We have a fantastic vision, where every possible space here is available to help someone who needs to escape, relax, and begin their journey forward anew, but, as every pebble in the stoney paths around the Retreat symbolise, there are many challenges facing our lofty aims.

However, as Kendo’s vision unfolds, we have been greatly heart-warmed and profoundly humbled by the generosity of our friends around us – they have shown immediate readiness to do whatever it takes to help us help others, and we are deeply grateful to them.

What is happening at the Nagasaki Retreat has parallels to anyone in need of help or healing support. Whether it’s our charming old building or a lone individual, where there is a need, there can be uncertainty about how to reach out for support, and sometimes such an uncertainty can conceal the very real opportunities that are out there.

All we had to do was make the gentlest of mentions that we needed help, and it was there, in amounts and by degrees beyond our most optimistic expectations – and the same is true for anyone: don’t be afraid to ask for help.

You would be amazed at the level of support that can flow from good people, and the willingness with which it can be offered. Everyone who comes to the Nagasaki Retreat lives by the progressive Buddhist principle of being the best they can be, so they can best support their families and the society around them. Kendo serves them by showing them ways of finding the ultimate peace and strength, and they pass on that positivity without reservation, themselves instruments in spreading Kendo’s ongoing work.

So Kendo’s message to anyone who needs help and support is simple: don’t let uncertainty hold you back – reach out: there is a great deal of active, positive humanity in the world, help and support are near and ready and willing, and waiting to hear from you.

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